This French thriller with Camelia Jordana and Guang Ho tells the figure of a Chinese Dj and musician who immigrated illegally to Paris and works as a taxi driver by night to pay his debt.
“La Nuit Venue” is Rone’s first original score. The soundtrack features known pieces (“So So So”, “Parade”, “Bye Bye Macadam”, “Brest”…) as well as previously unreleased ones (“La Nuit Venue” feat. Camelia Jordana, “Vers Marseille”…), that sublimely rhythms the nighttime atmosphere.
Rone won two awards for best original score at La Baule and Saint-Jean-de-Luz film festivals.
Best Music Award @ Saint-Jean-de-Luz Film Festival 2019
Best Music Award @ La Baule Film & Music Festival 2019
“La Nuit Venue“ appartient à la famille de ces grands films noirs qui savent donner à un propos résolument politique les atours de la beauté” – Télérama ★★★★
“Une alchimie et une petite mélodie très séduisante” – Le Nouvel Observateur ★★★